Wednesday, November 28, 2012

It's hotter than ever hears climate change talks

Published on Nov 28, 2012 by Arctic ice is melting at an, "alarming rate". That's at the core of a report by the World Meteorological Organisation. Its findings were presented to the global climate change talks in Doha.

The ice has melted to its lowest recorded level this year and add to that other weather extremes is proof that climate change is happening before our eyes underlines the report. It has meant warmer temperatures explained Michel Jarraud, Secretary-General the World Meteorological Organisation.

"So definitely the message here is that the trend is not only continuing, but accelerating with the respect to the melting of the Artic ice and this is linked to the change in the temperature."

That change has resulted in the first ten months of 2012 being the ninth warmest since records began in the mid-19th century. About 15,000 daily heat records were broken across the United States.

The WMO also reported on extreme weather conditions noting the Atlantic basin had an above average hurricane season for the third year running while Superstorm Sandy was particularly devastating.

The atmosphere has never been so polluted with concentrations of greenhouse gasses. They have risen constantly to reach record levels which will lead to continual climate change warns the WMO. The Geneva based organisation is a an agency of the United Nations.

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