Monday, December 12, 2011

ASIMO - The Honda Humanoid Robot.

He worlds most advanced robot...

The robot, called Asimo, is the end product of 22 years of research by scientists all over the world, including a team at Edinburgh University.
He can walk, run, dance and even play football..

ASIMO is Honda Motor Company's renowned humanoid robot, created at Honda's Wako Fundamental Technical Research Center in Japan. This version is the current model in a line of eleven that began in 1986 with E0. Officially, the name is an acronym for "Advanced Step in Innovative MObility". Honda's official statements claim that the robot's name is not a reference to science fiction writer and inventor of the Three Laws of Robotics, Isaac Asimov. As of February 2009, there are over 100 ASIMO units in existence. Each one costs just under $1 million to manufacture.

[Adapted from Wikipedia]


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